A Star Seed Falls on Earth

I fall,
Letter by letter,
Word by word,
In rhythm and timing…
Visualize the moon,
With stars,
Tinsel by tinsel…

And then, all at once
Like the explosion
Of a supernova
Touching distant galaxies
I’m down to my very soul
I fall, I fall…

And then hastily…
The way a meteor flares
As it slithers across the night sky
Within an orgasmic sigh
You catch me by your eye…

Like love, worth holding
It turns to fire:
Wild and free…
You become the flame
Dancing across my skin…
Blazing brightly
In your arms…
And within your heart,
You turn me
Into the sweetest smell of ash…

33 thoughts on “A Star Seed Falls on Earth

  1. Hi Diwata, what an expressive and powerful poem, full of gems, of interesting rhythms, sounds and symbols. Thanks for blogging it it really gave me (and I’m sure many others) great joy. Best wishes and blessings, Charles.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Charles,

      Glad to see you here! I’ve just read your comment, I found it on my Spam comment folder. Anyhow, I’m happy to share this moment with you 🙂
      Thank you for such a wonderful comment, it warms my heart! Have a lovely day.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I love it, too Frederick 🙂 Nice to see you back here! Ah, yes, I see new faces, they are welcome! I haven’t been to your blog, will take a glimpse soon. Have a warm cozy night over there!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Orgasmic sigh…that says it all.

    While I was reading the poem, what was registering in my mind is the person who will always be there with no matter what.

    Glad I have more than one. Parents, siblings…family

    Liked by 1 person

Go ahead, speak your heart 💖